Delivery and refund info

What happens after you’ve placed an order at a store after visiting it from ShopBack? Here’s a short guide.

Check order and delivery status

While we work on getting your Cashback, the store will handle getting your order successfully delivered to you. 

It’s best to contact the store directly for follow-up questions. You should receive a confirmation email with a tracking number from the store. Use this to check on your order’s delivery status.

If you’re having trouble contacting the store, let Sparky, ShopBack’s virtual assistant know and we’ll get you sorted.


We can’t reward any Cashback for refunded or cancelled orders. If you refund your purchase, you’ll also lose your Cashback. If you’re exchanging an order, we recommend cancelling your order and buying the new item separately so you can still earn Cashback (but check the store’s cancellation policy first).

If you’re having any trouble with the store, let Sparky, ShopBack’s virtual assistant know and we’ll be happy to help.

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